Welcome to the BOSMIN homepage.

We are Bob and Verity Beatty, Trustees of the Beatty Family Trust A.B.N. 32 214 498 596 operating under our BOSMIN registered Trade Mark. Prior to December 2016 we operated under the R.A. Beatty and Associates Limited company Trustee.

Our motto is:
"The Past is History. The Present is Real. The Future is Speculation."
R&V Beatty 2020

Bob's CV details are listed here:-


Bob is also founding member and Principal of the Resource Consulting network group:


Visit our current list of members here.

The revised ICs International page is now available at https://www.ausmec.com.au/ICs/ICs_Index.htm and contactable through Rod Dawney, Principal of Ausmec at ausmec@ausmec.com.au

Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: ICs icon

We specialise in innovative open cut mine equipment design applicable to deep mines. 

New mining systems are variously:

Our mining systems and technical reports are developed under the BOSMIN® trademark.

Our Registered Inventions include these BOSMIN patented mining processes.

Bob takes great interest in engineering, topical science, and leadership.




Bob's favourite hobby is astronomy:



Planets, Satellites and Landforms is a freely available text authored by RA Beatty

Some extracts from the discussions:

Planetary Solar Rotation This text mainly explains the physical mechanisms required to launch satellite bodies from their host planets. The major focus is on the Moon separatingfrom planet Earth .

Verity does research on our extensive share portfoilo and takes an active interest in public company affairs. She is also an embroidery wizard making her own clothing, a sci-fi enthusiast, and keeps a close watch over our seven grandsons and two granddaughters!

Give us a Hoy! at our Regular Addresses , or Email Bob Beatty